Shirt design for the Australian kosmische one-man band Midnight Odyssey

Design by Francesco Gemelli

6 comments on “MIDNIGHT ODYSSEY “Funeral from the Astral Sphere Official Shirt”

  1. david on said:

    where do i order this great shirt

    • I, Voidhanger Records on said:

      Hi David,
      at the moment the Midnight Odyssey shirt is sold out, but it will be re-printed very soon, in late September, when I release the “Converge, Rivers of Hell” concept album featuring Midnight Odyssey, Tempestuous Fall and The Crevices Below. Right now Francesco Gemelli is putting the final touches on the CD layout…
      –Luciano/I, Voidhanger Records

  2. Chloé on said:

    Are you still selling this item? I really love it

  3. Adam K on said:

    Are there anymore of these shirts available yet?

    • franz on said:

      Hi Adam, thanks for your message. Probably the shirt is sold-out. However, you could contact I, Voidhanger Records at Cheers. Francesco

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